I was scanning the guide looking for something to watch and I noticed The Wedding Singer had just started. I'm not sure if I've ever sat down and watched the entire movie from start to finish, but I did last last night. :)

What a funny movie!

"..and one things fo' showwah...... LOVE STINKS?"

Thursday -  I just finished watching The Hurt Locker.  I wanted to hop on here and share my thoughts but I think I'm going to need a bit to digest this before I pass judgement.  Check back on this entry for a modified entry on Friday.

Friday - Ok, here's the reason for the delay... I wanted to like it.

Really, I did.  I don't say that to mean that I didn't like it, but it left me feeling empty.

This movie follows a small bomb squad through the day-to-day perils of the war in Iraq.  We see some kick-butt scenes and a few moments that actually connect you emotionally to the lead actor.  Somehow though it just seems to be contrived.

There are very memorable moments in this movie but there are a lot of gaps in the story telling.

If you find yourself renting this, I'd be interested in discussing it in the comments section for this post.


What do you get when you mix a cute kid actor and an ABBA dancing queen? A terrible movie- that's what!

Amanda Seyfried (Sophie from Mama Mia) and Johnny Simmons (Dave from Hotel for Dogs) team up to fight Megan FOX in this would-be thriller. Unfortunately, the acting leaves little to be desired, the plot is predictable and the costume designer should never work in Hollywood again!

Jennifer is a popular high schooler who falls for a boy band, only to be "sacrificed" by them. The band needs to sacrifice a virgin as a pact with Satan to further their career. Little did they know, Jennifer was quite popular with the boys. The sacrifice backfires and Jennifer becomes a demon, feasting on the locals. This horrendous movie received 4 thumbs DOWN from Amy and Dawn.

Very funny flick. Jam packed full of big names that do not disappoint. Typical of Vince Vaughn movies, we laughed from credit roll to credit roll.

Vince and Reese Witherspoon are YUPPIES who pride themselves on living vivaciously and not being tied down by family. Unfortunately, their Christmas vacation is spoiled by inclement weather and their families expect them to be in attendance at the family functions. While visiting, the couple learns that they do not know each other as well as they thought. They then must struggle with their future (together?)...

Highly recommended by this critic. Let us know what you thought of this movie!

"There are a lot of secrets in District 9..."

...and I'm not going to reveal any of them. The first thing I heard about District 9 contained the words "sci-fi" and "Peter Jackson". I pretty much shut down the info flow at that point, my decision to see it at some point already made. I like to deliberately avoid trailers or movie details, especially when I'm fairly certain it's my type of movie (although I'll admit Cloverfield was a bit of a disappointment). I don't want any additional information about plot or characters or anything like that - it's nice to experience a story without any preconceived notions.

This worked fabulously for District 9, because the first 20 minutes were completely unexpected, from the cinematography style to the characters and events. For a moment I thought I'd inadvertently stumbled into a DVD "behind the scenes" extra. Without going into too much detail to avoid spoilers, District 9 evolves into a remarkably personal story with some fairly though-provoking moments. It's also shockingly gory at times, but that violence only serves to raise a lot of questions about just how this situation came to be, and gives a lot of background to why certain characters behave the way they do.

It's tough to say much more about the movie, because if you haven't seen it and don't know anything about it, I don't want to ruin anything. Suffice to say that it's definitely worth a viewing, and is one of the better sci-fi movies I've seen in quite awhile. (WAY better than Avatar. I reserve judgment on Moon until I've seen it.)

Dawn and I sat down the other night to do something that we hardly ever seem to have time to do... WATCH A MOVIE!

The film Moon is set in the near-future and follows the day-to-day life of an employee of Lunar Industries on... wait for it... the Moon!

Who saw that one coming?!  :)

In the opening minutes of the movie, it is explained that Helium-3 is a very precious commodity and is now used for 70% of the world's power consumption.  This resource is taken from the dark side of the moon and Lunar Industries is the corporation in charge of harvesting it and delivering it back to earth.

Shortly thereafter, we find ourselves following Sam Bell (played by Sam Rockwell) in the lunar base, Sarang.  For as big of a deal as it sounds, apparently Lunar Industries is so efficient that only one person needs to man the entire operation.  We can glean from this that Lunar Industries can't possibly be a US Government ran operation.  :)

Sam is under a three-year contract to Lunar Industries to man the operations and that time is nearing an end.  Because of spotty data uplinks, Sam receives communication from Earth and his wife on an infrequent basis.  The only day to day interaction Sam has is with a robot helper named GERTY, who is voiced by Kevin Spacey.

It is apparent right off the bat that three years in isolation on the moon has been both mentally and physically taxing for Sam.  He is experiencing hallucinations and his health is suffering. It seems to be a good thing that his contract is expiring because he is right on the edge of a breakdown.

I knew going into this movie that it was not a big dollar, summer pop-corn flick.  This movie had a budget of $5 million dollars and it shows.  There are no splashy special effects, the cast is very small and the lunar base itself is very sparse.  The movie passes off as mostly believable from a scientific standpoint.  The most glaring issue is that somehow we have figured out how to simulate earth's gravity on a lunar base.  In fact, one of the first scenes of the movie shows Sam running on a treadmill.  It's almost like the director made it a point to get that out of the way early by saying "I can't afford to do this with simulated gravity, so here is Sam running on a treadmill... suck it nerds!”  :)

It's impossible to give a full review without spoilers, so I'll just end with a recommendation that you give Moon a shot, especially if you enjoy Sci-Fi movies.  Just go into it knowing that there aren't going to be big WOW moments from a visual standpoint.  You are mostly watching Sam Rockwell turn in a great acting performance. 

If you do give Moon a chance, please come back here and let me know what you thought of it in the comments section for this post.
