What do you get when you mix a cute kid actor and an ABBA dancing queen? A terrible movie- that's what!

Amanda Seyfried (Sophie from Mama Mia) and Johnny Simmons (Dave from Hotel for Dogs) team up to fight Megan FOX in this would-be thriller. Unfortunately, the acting leaves little to be desired, the plot is predictable and the costume designer should never work in Hollywood again!

Jennifer is a popular high schooler who falls for a boy band, only to be "sacrificed" by them. The band needs to sacrifice a virgin as a pact with Satan to further their career. Little did they know, Jennifer was quite popular with the boys. The sacrifice backfires and Jennifer becomes a demon, feasting on the locals. This horrendous movie received 4 thumbs DOWN from Amy and Dawn.


There is no such thing as a bad movie that has Megan Fox in it. :P

From the picture you posted, I think I'd give this at least ONE thumb up (wink wink).

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